As tragic as what happened in Austin is I can't help but wonder what would be our reaction had the pilot been Muslim. Given the current political climate, I have no doubt that Republicans, Tea Baggers, Neo-Cons, i.e. the Conservative Right, would've seen this as an opportunity to turn the screws on this current administration as a sign of weakness. They claim that the lives of American citizens are in greater harm because of the perceived stance of this administration. A claim made all the more ironic when the seeds of their own discontent toward government can be seen in the pilot who slammed his plane into the IRS building in Austin and those who conspired to bomb the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. As heinous as these acts were and including the acts of 9/11, we as citizens of America must stand above the violence and terror these actions wish to inflict. We must never lose sight of our principles and our integrity as a democratic and free state. We must endure the loss of innocent Americans and bring honor to that loss by not becoming the very thing we fight against. Becoming a monster to defeat a monster still leaves you with a monster.
And to be clear, I'm not a "turn-the-other-cheek" kind of guy. To illustrate, I favor the death penalty. I want justice when injustice has been done. But how and for what cause that justice is administered should be one for discussion.
Also, to those who know me, this particular subject matter will probably shock you but I promise lighter fare in the future.